Yellow Room Milestones
Your Child at 12 months:
Social/ Emotional Development
Stranger Anxiety
Has favorite things and people
Puts out arms and legs to help with dressing
Plays games such as “peek-a-boo” and “pat-a-cake”
Repeats sounds or actions to get attention
Separation Anxiety
Hands you a book when he wants to hear a story
Repeats sounds or actions to get attention
Shows fear in some situations
Responds to simple spoken requests
Uses simple gestures like shaking head “no” or waving “bye bye”
Makes sounds with changes in tone
Mimics words of caregivers
Says “mama” and “dada” and exclamations like “uh-oh!”
Begins to use pointer finger as the predominant finger to point with
Follows simple, one action directions such as, “Please pick up your cup.”
Copies gestures
Filling and Dumping
Explores things in different ways, like shaking, banging, & throwing
Starts performing gestures correctly; for example, drinks from a cup
Finds hidden things easily (object permanence)
Can point to correct picture or object when named
Physical Development
May Stand Alone
Cruising or Toddling
Your Child at 18-24 months
Plays simple pretend, such as feeding a doll
Shows affection to strangers
Stranger anxiety lessons
Likes to hand objects to people
Shows affection to caregivers & seeks approval
May act clingy to caregiver in new situations
Explores alone, but within sight of caregiver
Points to show others interesting things
Possible temper tantrums
Experiments with aggressive responses to disliked things
Comes when called
Likes to help with daily routines
Communicates feelings with words and gestures
May link two –three words together to form phrases, like “want ball,” “more please”
Receptive Language is more advanced than Expressive
Expect a “language burst,” between 18-24 months
Points to express wants and needs
Says and shakes head “no”
Learning that everything has a name; may ask constantly, "What's that?"
Speaks and is understood more than half the time
Understands role of prepositions in speech
Knows what objects are used for; comb, toothbrush, fork
Points to at least one body part when prompted
Pretends to model actions of caregivers; feeding baby doll
Scribbles on paper
Can follow one step verbal direction without gestures
Points to get attention
repetition in songs and nursery rhymes
Walks alone
Pulls/Pushes toys while walking
Can help dress and undress
Eats with utensils
Walk on tiptoes.
Throw and retrieve objects.
Jump in place with both feet.
Catch a large ball.
Open doors by turning knobs.
Builds a 4-6 cube tower