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Yellow Room Milestones

Your Child at 12 months:

Social/ Emotional Development

  • Stranger Anxiety

  • Has favorite things and people

  • Puts out arms and legs to help with dressing

  • Plays games such as “peek-a-boo” and “pat-a-cake”

  • Repeats sounds or actions to get attention

  • Separation Anxiety

  • Hands you a book when he wants to hear a story

  • Repeats sounds or actions to get attention

  • Shows fear in some situations


  • Responds to simple spoken requests

  • Uses simple gestures like shaking head “no” or waving “bye bye”

  • Makes sounds with changes in tone

  • Mimics words of caregivers

  • Says “mama” and “dada” and exclamations like “uh-oh!”


  • Begins to use pointer finger as the predominant finger to point with

  • Follows simple, one action directions such as, “Please pick up your cup.”

  • Copies gestures

  • Filling and Dumping

  • Explores things in different ways, like shaking, banging, & throwing

  • Starts performing gestures correctly; for example, drinks from a cup

  • Finds hidden things easily (object permanence)

  • Can point to correct picture or object when named

Physical Development

  • May Stand Alone

  • Cruising or Toddling

Your Child at 18-24 months


  • Plays simple pretend, such as feeding a doll

  • Shows affection to strangers

  • Stranger anxiety lessons

  • Likes to hand objects to people

  • Shows affection to caregivers & seeks approval

  • May act clingy to caregiver in new situations

  • Explores alone, but within sight of caregiver

  • Points to show others interesting things

  • Possible temper tantrums

  • Experiments with aggressive responses to disliked things

  • Comes when called

  •  Likes to help with daily routines

  • Communicates feelings with words and gestures


  • May link two –three words together to form phrases, like “want ball,” “more please”

  • Receptive Language is more advanced than Expressive

  • Expect a “language burst,” between 18-24 months

  • Points to express wants and needs

  • Says and shakes head “no”

  • Learning that everything has a name; may ask constantly, "What's that?"

  •  Speaks and is understood more than half the time

  • Understands role of prepositions in speech


  • Knows what objects are used for; comb, toothbrush, fork

  • Points to at least one body part when prompted

  • Pretends to model actions of caregivers; feeding baby doll

  • Scribbles on paper

  • Can follow one step verbal direction without gestures

  • Points to get attention

  • repetition in songs and nursery rhymes

Physical ­

  • Walks alone

  • Pulls/Pushes  toys while walking

  • Can help dress and undress

  • Eats with utensils

  • Walk on tiptoes.

  • Throw and retrieve objects.

  • Jump in place with both feet.

  • Catch a large ball.

  • Open doors by turning knobs.

  • Builds a 4-6 cube tower

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